Welcome to Dr.avellers!

On our Blog you will find articles about our journey through Asia, Europe and many more places in the future.

We also plan to release a number of medical articles and travel tipps for travellers including our suggestions for a convenient first-aid kit or simple medical interventions with good effects which everyone could easily apply. We aim not only to travel and discover but also to give something from our luck and education back to people in need. Thus we plan to join a few projects and also provide treatments according to western allopathic but also eastern traditional Tibetan Medicine (Sowa Rigpa) and hopefully help a lot of people in with their process of healing along our way. So have a look at our Blog and we hope that you enjoy what you read and see!

With Best Wishes,

Issa & Phil

Latest Article:


Potala – Palace of the Gods

Phil Central Tibet, Journey Leave a Comment on Potala – Palace of the Gods

Wandering the great halls of Potala Palace Under high security measurements we entered the famous Potala Palace which stretches out majestically upon Marpori Hill over the roof tops of Lhasa. We had to climb over 170 steps to reach the … Continue reading →

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Who we Are

Want to know more about Dr.avellers, what we are up to and about our visions for the future? Come, have a look and get to know us better!

Sangye Menla - the Medicine Buddha

Secrets of Tibetan Medicine

The ancient art of Tibetan Medicine is uncovering its treasures of healing to the world and reveals the experiences of great doctors who practiced in an unbroken teacher-to-student lineage for many centuries.

Tibetan Medicine (tib. Sowa Rigpa) has the potential to greatly enrich the western allopathic medicine with its holistic near-to-nature approach and its deep understanding of the interconnectivity of all phenomena.

Follow our Journey

Enjoy reading through our growing archive of articles about our exotic impressions and the diverse and interesting people we met during our travel. We also report on our medical experiences far away from home and provide valuable and easy to apply first aid tipps for every traveller on the road.

Our Picture Galleries

The best way to get a taste of our journey apart from our articles is to explore our growing picture galleries. Have a closer look at the moments we want to share while travelling the world!

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